Category Archives: beauty

Kardashians in Order

Ok, yah, Kim got married this weekend, the family launched a Sears line, yada yada yada… business as usual for the Kardashians. But I just came across this photo of all the Kardashian ladies and, like a geek, tried to figure out the method to the madness, the order of chaos, the sequential series that they are all standing in… and then I figured it out. They are standing in order of most attractive, right to left. High fashion model on the right, Rosie O’Donnell with makeup on the left.

Sweet Zombie Love

Came across this awesome photographer, Amanda Rynda, who shot this couple’s engagement photos with a sweet zombie theme. That pretty much means.. they are an awesome couple.

Don’t worry – she does no-zombie engagement photos, too…

Japanese Kids Injecting Faces

According to this inquisitive Vice article, the crazy kids in Japan are into a special kind of temporary body modification – injecting their foreheads with saline solutions. When it bubbles up, they stick their finger in the middle to make a bagel shape.  I’m trying to eat few carbs these days, so No to Bagels for me, Thank You. I’ll just stick to my own personal temporary body modifications — waking up to presents from friendly mosquitoes. People, when I say Mosquitoes love me, I REALLY MEAN IT. This particular photo was taken 6 hours after the onset – you don’t want to see that 1st one. It’s scarier than the pics up there. Don’t I look like Melanie Griffith?

Tattooing Your Friends’ Facebook Faces All Over Your Arm. Think About It.

This is not an dumb adolescent who tattooed his friends’ facebook profile photos all over his arm – he’s a scientist! He has managed to extract that 1 genetic flaw in an adolescent’s DNA that clouds future forethought with fleeting fads. Fabulous.

Video here.

***Oops, it was a hoax. But still, who cares…***

Vans Customized Slip-Ons with Hermès

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Robert Verdi (famous fashion spokesperson/interviewer/guy) sent some Hermès scarves to Vans to get some customized slip-ons. Aren’t these great?

Pics from Vans & Bryanboy

Body Double

I was browsing H & M’s website for bathing suits (gearing up for the summer!!) and noticed that all the models had the same exact body. What is the point of showing the same bathing suit.. on the same body… with a different supermodel head photoshopped on it?? Seems like a lot of work for no point. I don’t get it.

Look at the top 2 photos — same body, different heads, and then they went through the trouble of changing the jewelry. All this for a $4.98 bikini! And it’s not like Cintia Dicker doesn’t have a perfectly good Sports Illustrated supermodel bikini body of her own to use (see example below). Oh, maybe these supermodels have superagents who are really good at securing international fashion campaigns that only require them to have 1 photo taken of their heads each….

Gosh, Snow is So Beautiful Sometimes…

Teal is #1 This Fall (& Every Fall, For Me)

FYI ladies & gents – these will be the top 10 colors we will be wearing come autumn, accordng to Pantone. I’m very excited about Deep Teal– but then, I’m always excited about teal. Check out 1 of my new favorite nail colors below. I’m not a fan of American Apperal in general but I am a HUGE fan of thier nail polishes, $6. They go on smooth and opaque and don’t chip for a muchhhh longer time than my usual Opi or Essie polishes.

Average is Still Beautiful

Beauty. Such a rare and unique thing – or is it? Above is a photo compilation of several (I can’t figure out if it’s dozens or hundreds) female faces and what you’re seeing is the “average”.  The average tends to render a symetrical and clear-skinned natural beauty. What do you think?

Check out these “averaged” photos of 64 women and 32 men for a study on attractiveness:


The Average Asian Aging Process