Category Archives: money

Someone Found My ATM Receipt & Blogged About It. I’m So Embarrased!

Just Kidding. But really– who keeps that much money in a savings account! And $2.75 for an ATM fee – hot damn! One of the commenters on the Gawker post said the owner probably made that $2.75 in interest while standing at the ATM machine. Another commenter did the math: offers 0.50% APR for balances over $50,000, so let’s use that rate.
At $100mil, he makes $500,000 a year in interest alone. And, thanks to Rent, I know there are 525,600 minutes in a year.
So he makes $0.95 a minute. So long as his ATM transaction took longer than 2:54, then yes.
He DOES make back that much in interest. 😦

It seems this receipt belongs to billionaire hedge fund manager, David Tepper. Good for you, David!

Trustfund Dog Inherited $8mm Mansion & Lavish Lifestyle

Oh yes, that is Conchita‘s very own special Wall Street Journal stipple portrait. A Miami heiress passed away and left her little Conchita an $8.3mm mansion, a full staff, a $3mm trust fund, weekly spa appointments and lots of jewelry. The owner’s son got $1mm. He’s not as ecstatic as the dog is with this outcome. Read more here.

Payday, Finally!

My current state of finances, symbolized in this photo.

The 12 True Riches in Life

From Napoleon Hill,  one of America’s 1st Success Self-Help authors, comes a list of the 12 True Riches in Life:

  1. Positive mental attitude
  2. Sound physical health
  3. Harmony in human relations
  4. Freedom from fear
  5. Hope of future achievement
  6. Capacity for applied Faith
  7. Willingness to share one’s blessing with others
  8. To be engaged in a labor of love
  9. An open mind on all subjects toward all people
  10. Complete self discipline
  11. Wisdom with which to understand people
  12. Financial security

Notice how only 1 item, the last one, pertains to actual money. Think about it, how rich is life if you have poor health but with tons of money in the bank– and no one to share it with?

I live my life feeling “rich” everyday (no matter the pennies in my wallet), whether I’m time-affluent, food-choice-affluent (I do live in NYC), or laundry-affluent (everything’s cleaned, no piles to sort!) Being rich, to me, is simply a way of thinking.. (aha! That would be #1 on the list) How do you feel rich in your everyday life?

Apple Stock: Shoulda Coulda Woulda

This is for my stock-loving mommy — this chart by kyleconroy shows all the shoulda, coulda, woulda’s of the finicky game of stocks. But you see, if everyone was busy buying stocks instead of iPods, iBooks, and iPhones then the stocks would have never grown this much in exponential worth! And these products probably wouldn’t have ever been invented! So keep buying the products (and the stocks) and hopefully they’ll invent an iSofa, iWave and iPlane.


“The New $100 Note: Know Its Features. Know Its Real.”and Know Its Typo.

I was checking out our new $100 dollar bill re-design and went to the government’s interactive flash site to learn about the nifty new changes (I like learning!) But I didn’t get very far though. Couldn’t get past the big typo in the title. *sigh*..

The Penny Gets a Retro Make-over

Abraham Lincoln has lived on the heads side of the penny since 1909 but in 2010 there will be a new tails side! I think this is so cool – I think it will give the oft-maligned penny a boost of confidence.

The 13 vertical stripes of the shield represent the states joined in one compact union to support the federal government, represented by the horizontal bar above.  The horizontal bar features the inscription E PLURIBUS UNUM—”out of many, one”—while the inscription UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is depicted along the upper rim of the coin.  The union shield, which dates back to the 1780s, was used widely during the Civil War.  The shield is also featured on frescoes by Constantino Brumidi throughout the halls of the U.S. Capitol Building completed in the mid-19th century.”

Since 1982 the penny, including this new one, has been made of 2.5 percent copper and 97.5 percent zinc. Should we then refer to it as a “zinc penny”?

Sidenote: I thought these pennies would make penny loafers look that much more fabulous! But why are they called penny loafers? Because when American prep school students in the 1950s started a fashion statement of inserting a penny into the diamond-shaped slit on their shoes, the name penny loafer became popular and just stuck.

Wheel of Fortune Clip Makes Me Laugh at a Record-Breaking Level

This video is really, really, really funny.  And maybe this could be used as a litmus test to find out if aliens live amongst us.

PS. You might be hearing the term “Self-Potato” being thrown around these days – it’s from a contestant on WoF who guessed that when the answer was clearly “Self-Portrait”. And she was a 5th grade teacher.

Top 10 Financial Commandments for Women

1. Thou Shalt Not Make A Man A Financial Plan

2. Thou Shalt Make a Date With FICO Before A Date For Sex

3. Thou Shalt Ask For What You Are Worth In Every Arena Of Life: Got a shiny new MBA and boss won’t budge on a raise? WALK! (but not before you find a new job!)

4. Thou Shalt Not Get Credit With A Man Who Has No Financial Obligation To You i.e putting things in each his/her name – cars, cell phones

5. Thou Shalt Understand Every Aspect Of Your Finances: rates/balances on credit cards? 20% on an auto loan means you can afford to save and purchase that car in cash.

6. Thou Shalt Understand Priorities Over Wants: No BMW when your children need health insurance

7. Thou Shalt Make a Financial Plan In The Event Of Your Death: This includes wills, trusts and life insurance

8. Thou Shalt Understand The Difference Between Going to Grad School For a Purpose and Hiding In Grad School Because You Don’t Know Purpose

9. Thou Shalt Put In Writing Every Financial Agreement You Make To Cover Thy Arse (friends, family, coworker etc)

10. Thou Shalt Have Fun! There’s no sense in saving money for a rainy day and never taking a chance to play on the sunshine and reap the benefits of your hard work. Work hard, but thou shalt play hard too!

from (haha)

Ivanka Trump Marries Jared Kushner

POWER PAIR: Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are the picture of bliss as they dance and pose at their wedding, where all eyes were on the bride.

I always liked Ivanka because she is smart, actually works, not mangled in the face by inbreeding, and was the most humble character on Jamie Johnson‘s “Born Rich” documentary about really wealthy kids who say things like, “F^*# you, I’m from New York and my family can buy your family!”

PS. OBViously not calling Ivanka a dog, but I’m reminded of this funny dog bride costume.

dog bride